Woburn MA

Residents and Businesses in Woburn MA can take full advantage of our professional shredding service that was often limited to large banks and big corporations. Whether you are in the market for a new office shredder or just looking for a better way to handle your paper, there are some things to consider. You will also need to look for a brand that offers good warranties, so you can rest assured that you’re getting a high-quality machine.

Whether you’re looking for a shredder for a home, office, or business, you will want to consider the size of the shredder. There are small personal models that can handle just a few sheets, but you’ll need a larger model if you’re looking for the power to shred more than a few sheets at a time. If you’re looking for an industrial-size shredder, you can get one that will take care of staples, paper clips, and bindings. You’ll also need to consider how large the feed opening will be. Generally, you’ll want to choose a shredder with a feed opening that’s no larger than 18 inches. You’ll also want to look for one with a safety interlock to keep unauthorized people from using it. To get started on your next shredding job, call (978)636-0301 or request a free quote


Document Shredding In Woburn MA

Considering the sheer volume of documents in the average office in Woburn MA, it’s hard to believe that such documents are still in existence. Fortunately, there are numerous ways of disposing of them, including incineration. The best way to dispose of such a plethora of docs is to get a reputable company to handle the task for you. Luckily, there are plenty of such companies to choose from. Besides, the cost of such a service would be a fraction of what you’d pay for the services of a traditional service provider. The aforementioned service provider will take care of all your document shredding needs.

Whether you’re running a small business or a large corporation, protecting your confidential information is a key element of office success. Using a professional shredding service is the best way to ensure the secure destruction of your electronic records. Many businesses choose to shred their own documents. While this is a great option, it’s not always the most secure. This can result in the loss of valuable customer information, a possible financial penalty, and unhappy employees.

One of the best ways to ensure your documents are destroyed securely is to use a crosscut shredder. These shredders are capable of cutting a single piece of paper into hundreds of tiny pieces. A crosscut shredder is a lot more secure than a strip-cut shredder because it cuts the paper into finer paper webs. Another option for secure document destruction is to use an on-site shredder. This process involves destroying old paperwork on-site, or in a shredder truck.

History Of The City Of Woburn MA

Woburn was first settled in 1640 near Horn Pond, a primary source of the Mystic River, and was officially incorporated in 1642. At that time the area included present day towns of Woburn, Winchester, Burlington, and parts of Stoneham and Wilmington. In 1740 Wilmington separated from Woburn. In 1799 Burlington separated from Woburn; in 1850 Winchester did so, too. Woburn got its name from Woburn, Bedfordshire. Woburn played host to the first religious ordination in the Americas on Nov. 22, 1642. Rev. Thomas Carter was sworn in by many of the most prominent men of New England including John Cotton, minister of the First Church of Boston, Richard Mather minister of the First Church of Dorchester, and Capt. Edward Johnson co-founder of the church and town of Woburn. Johnson is regarded as “the father of Woburn.” He served as the first town clerk, represented the town in the Massachusetts General Court, made the first map of Massachusetts, and wrote the first history of the colony.

The first organizational Town Meeting was held on April 13, 1644 and the first town officers were chosen. Town Selectmen were Edward Johnson, Edward Convers, John Mousall, William Learned, Ezekiel Richardson, Samuel Richardson and James Thompson. William Learned was also selected as Constable. Michael Bacon, Ralph Hill, and Thomas Richardson were chosen as Surveyors of Highways. (The History of Woburn, 1868) Deacon Edward Convers was also one of the founders of Woburn. He was one of its first selectmen and built the first house and first mill in Woburn. He was very active in town affairs and was a large landowner, miller, and surveyor.

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